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RITZ is a brand that everyone knows - almost everyone has had a RITZ cracker. But RITZ was losing share of their Millennial audience to more modern brands - essentially we were seen as your grandma’s cracker. We needed to revamp this 87 year old brand to become relevant to a new generation.

That started by leaning into our product truth: We are a rich, delicious cracker that goes with everything (seriously, try putting anything on a RITZ and have it not be delicious) and is inviting to everyone (from kids to parents and across different cultures). RITZ is a literal Taste of Welcome.

From there, our strategy and brand platform, a Taste of Welcome, was born along with a powerful purpose of making the world a more welcoming place so that everyone feels like they belong.

We launched our new platform with the first major holiday spot the brand had ever done. Grounded in the insight that family is so much more than blood in today’s world and that those are the people who make us feel like we belong. RITZ wanted to shine a light on the different types of “families” that make us feel welcomed as we are. In partnership with non-profits that aligned with our different stories, we set out to not only share a meaningful story but help create meaningful action behind our words.


As part of our Taste of Welcome campaign, RITZ set out to welcome all different types of families and homes for Mother’s and Fathers day. Lifting up the stories of the “parents” who are often left out of the mainstream, RITZ developed a campaign that celebrated foster parents and all that they do to help make foster children feel that they belong.