

The Netflix MakeIt campaign is a series of projects that are inspired by fans watching behavior and designed to give them the power to watch better.

Netflix Socks

Challenge: Netflix wanted to reinforce their position as industry innovators, and communicate that they put viewers in control of how they enjoy their entertainment. 

Strategy: Through social listening, we uncovered the insight that Netflix fans are so committed to their favorite shows, they end up dealing with all kinds of funny “first-world” problems – such as losing their spots when they watch themselves to sleep.

Execution: We released DIY instructions for Netflix socks on the Make It website and announced the launch through a partnership with Make Magazine. The socks use an accelerometer to detect when a viewer has dozed off and sends a signal to their TV, automatically pausing the show. The socks themselves could be customized with show-inspired patterns making them both knitting and programming savvy. Even those outside the maker community fell in love with the idea. Netflix socks spread like wildfire across social media and press outlets.

The Netflix Switch

Challenge: Netflix wanted to reinforce their position as industry innovators, and communicate that they put viewers in control of how the enjoy their entertainment.

Strategy: Netflix fans are so committed to their favorite shows, they often develop elaborate rituals around how they watch. Through We tapped into this phenomenon by developing a DIY “switch” that would get them Netflix-ready in an instant.

Execution: We launched the MakeIt campaign, a series of DIY projects that let fans take their Netflix experience to the next level. The Switch was our debut project. With one press, the Switch dims the lights, silences your phone, orders your favorite takeout food, and cues up Netflix.

We debuted the project at Maker Faire in New York and released open-source instructions online for fans to build and customize a Switch of their own. We also invited fans to submit their ideas for the next MakeIt project. Dubbed the “Netflix and Chill button” in the press, the Switch became an internet and social media sensation, all with no paid media.